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Geneva City Colorado Townsite - Ghost town
Photos Mike Sinnwell 9/2014
Colin Smart contributed the photos below. I was under the impression it was on private property and I could not get to it. Guess it is time for me to rethink this one as it is close to Denver. Supposedly this is at or near 11,600 feet. Rocky Says - “Just been there, nice site.. “

THANKS Collin - send the rest of your photos as there was a two story boarding house standing in the 1980s. I would love to see that.
Photos courtesy of Colin Smart 2007
A viewer writes - Sunday January 22nd, 2012 -- Hi There ! Love your website !!
Geneva City - This is not on private property. When you follow the trail up, you will go through an area that is private but the road is for the public. Best to go up on a week day and after the month of June. Depending on snow fall, may even be July to get to the top. We were up that way a last week and due to the last wind storm, there are literally hundreds of trees down so the trail may not be accessible until late summer 2012. It is a popular camping area and crowded on weekends. It is well worth the trip up. There are other buildings up than the ones you have posted. You have to search for them and some are hidden in shrubs now. There is also an old 1946 International truck up there ( I think that is what it is ). There is also a lot of searchable history to the area. Here is a link to some of it. Enjoy Kelly
A viewer writes - Monday, August 04, 2014 -- I am 71 years old and I found the Geneva City Ghost town in 1959 with a friend. The houses all had locks on the doors. The shelves had the cans on them. The beds were hand made and they were bunk beds. The tables had the old oil lamps on them. We found old pack saddles and many beautiful rocks Crystals, fools gold etc. It was like a step back in time. We have been there many times!!!