Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2005
Sego Utah Townsite - Ghost town
Nice site right off I70. Easy to get to and a nice place to take a break when going across Utah. This is an old coal mining town and it does have some nice rock paintings. (Petroglyphs)
A reader writes: April 17, 2007 Hi Mike the picture of the Stortini Baby, this is my Mothers baby sister. My mom lived in Thompson Canyon, there is a old rock oven that my Grandfather built in the 20s or 30s not sure. Here are a couple of recent photos. These are some photos of the oven my Grandfather Joe Storini built, I think in the 20 or 30 on the farm him and my Grandmother had up Thompson Canyon, just west of Sego canyon. According to the stories that my mother told me, this is what my Grandmother baked in, there is also a cellar built in the side of a hill in which my Grandparents used to store food. I will find the picture of my Grandfather and email it to you, if you would like, It is a picture of him with the mountain in the background where they lived. Elisabeth Edwards

A Viewer Writes - August 6, 2007 - Amazed to find Sego pics. We, the Bannai family were living there 1928 through1931 or early 1932. Remember Ascani, Stortini families, Happy and Serena. Got in touch with Rena Sategna(daughter of Pete) in San Franciso. Still in touch with Smith family-Stan and David (parents were John and Margaret} Would love to get in touch with any who remember us or were there at that period. Our Dad was in a coal mine cave-in,and later ran the pool hall.My brother Paul and sister Lilian visited Sego Site; found nothing there but sagebrush, It was a place of such happy memories for us. Rose Bannai at ""
A viewer writes - Your pictures are fabulous and bring back the memories I had visiting as a child. My grandfather owned the General Store in Sego
A viewer writes - Oct 13 , 2007 What fun this site is. As a long time resident of Moab - I have a friend who lived in Sego during 1947 on and off. I mentioned what I had found on your site and he wonders if there is any way he could get in touch with Rose Bannai in hopes that she knows some of the people he remembers-In particular Mrs Ronzio. This would be a great delight to him. I really appreciate your help. Nancy Carlisle.
A viewer writes November 22, 2007 Hi Mike - For the second time, my husband and I visited the Sego site. We love it! We would like to know where we can get some history pertaining to this area. We love to visit the cemetery as well. We feel like we go back in time when we visit these sites and would love to know more about them. Thank you for any information you have. Polly LaDuke, Grand Junction, Co
A viewer writes. - My family, two of my second cousins lived in Sego for a couple of years in the 1940s. My name is James Craig, my fathers name was Clarence, my mothers name was Martha and my second cousins names were Bill and Shorty. We lived in the housing area just across the railroad tracks and on the right. I visited the area 3 or 4 years ago and did a lot of remembering. The Homer Davis (Now in Green River) lived straight across from us and the Oslo (children were Margarete and Johnny) lived at our side. It would be great to hear from anyone that remembers me or my family or relatives.