Magnolia Colorado Ghost Town
Photos Mike Sinnwell December 2005
THANKS to Gene, He saw the site and this page. He recognized the old truck as his Grandfathers. He called me and invited me back to have a look at the site. The pictures are just a few of the many I took. He asked me not to share some of the photos so I am respecting that wish.
A viewer writes - Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - Hi, Happy to find this site. My grandfather was born in Magnolia in 1885. My great-grandfather died in Magnolia in 1885. Would love to know if there is a cemetery there, I have never found any information about it. Can you be of help? I now live in Denver and have been to Magnolia several years ago. Would love to go again and see if I can find any further information. Thanks, Joyce
Alaska |
Arizona |
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Colorado |
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Viewer Contributions |
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Dyea |
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Fort Egbert |
Hope |
Independence Mine |
Kennicott Kennecott |
McCarthy |
Nome |
Rika's Roadhouse |
Skagway |
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Valdez |
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Exit Glacier |
Ganes Creek |
Gold Dredge Number 8 Fairbanks |
Ninilchik's Russian Orthodox Church |
Portage Glacier |
Andy Hehnlin |
Bodie |
Colorado Ghost Towns |
Scenes |
Adena Thru Dearfield |
Derry Ranch thru Hull City |
Idaho Springs thru Orchard |
Oro City thru Summerville |
Summit thru Yampa |
Bonnies Bonanza Memories |
Dredge near Fairplay |
Hugo Helps A stranger |
Jane Kirkham Grave |
teller city 2019 |
Buildings - Sights - vistas |
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Passes |
Tombstones |
California |
Cinnamon |
Engineer |
Georgia |
Hoosier |
Hurricane |
Keebler |
Loveland |
Monarch |
Mosquito |
Rollins Corona |
Fort Larned |
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Neosho Falls |
Round Barn |
Watkins Mill |
Bannack |
Garnet |
Granite |
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Belmont Mill |
Berlin |
Cliente |
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Ione |
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Pioche |
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Unionville |
Fort Abercrombie |
Fort Buford |
Fort Union |
Arches National Park |
Bluff |
Frisco |
Sego |
Zion NP |
Atlantic City |
Devils Tower |
Fort Laramine |
Independence Rock |
Medicine Wheel |
Miners Delight |
Savery WY - Little Snake River Museum |
Sherman |
South Pass City |
Carcross |
Dawson City |
Montaque Roadhouse |
Trail to the Klondike Gold Fields |