Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell October 2007
Sherman Wyoming Townsite - Ghost town
The large structure you see in the photos is the Ames Monument. This pyramid like structure was built in 1882 at a cost of $65,000 by the Union Pacific Railroad. It is at the highest point, 8,247 ft, of the original transcontinental railroad. The monument is a memorial to Oakes and Oliver Ames who were instrumental in the construction of the first coast to coast railroad.
You have to walk the grounds and look for the town as the only thing left to see are foundations, holes in the ground, and the cemetery. Let your imagination run wild. Then, if you look closely you can see the old railroad grade and hear the train whistle as the train comes to what was once a lively town. You might get lucky and find where the roundtable once stood.
Alaska |
Arizona |
California |
Colorado |
Kansas |
Missiouri |
Montana |
Nevada |
New Mexico |
North Dakota |
Utah |
Wyoming |
Yukon |
Viewer Contributions |
Chicken |
Chitina |
Dyea |
Eagle |
Fort Egbert |
Hope |
Independence Mine |
Kennicott Kennecott |
McCarthy |
Nome |
Rika's Roadhouse |
Skagway |
Sunrise City |
Valdez |
Alaska Scenes |
Alaskan Adventures |
Exit Glacier |
Ganes Creek |
Gold Dredge Number 8 Fairbanks |
Ninilchik's Russian Orthodox Church |
Portage Glacier |
Andy Hehnlin |
Bodie |
Colorado Ghost Towns |
Scenes |
Adena Thru Dearfield |
Derry Ranch thru Hull City |
Idaho Springs thru Orchard |
Oro City thru Summerville |
Summit thru Yampa |
Bonnies Bonanza Memories |
Dredge near Fairplay |
Hugo Helps A stranger |
Jane Kirkham Grave |
teller city 2019 |
Buildings - Sights - vistas |
Mines and Mills |
Passes |
Tombstones |
California |
Cinnamon |
Engineer |
Georgia |
Hoosier |
Hurricane |
Keebler |
Loveland |
Monarch |
Mosquito |
Rollins Corona |
Fort Larned |
Fort Scott |
Neosho Falls |
Round Barn |
Watkins Mill |
Bannack |
Garnet |
Granite |
Nevada City |
Virginia City |
Austin |
Belmont |
Belmont Mill |
Berlin |
Cliente |
Caselton |
Cherry Creek |
Eureka |
Hamilton |
Humbolt |
Ione |
Lower Rochester |
Manhattan |
Pioche |
Rochester |
Sandy Springs |
Thunder Mountain |
Unionville |
Fort Abercrombie |
Fort Buford |
Fort Union |
Arches National Park |
Bluff |
Frisco |
Sego |
Zion NP |
Atlantic City |
Devils Tower |
Fort Laramine |
Independence Rock |
Medicine Wheel |
Miners Delight |
Savery WY - Little Snake River Museum |
Sherman |
South Pass City |
Carcross |
Dawson City |
Montaque Roadhouse |
Trail to the Klondike Gold Fields |