San Miguel New Mexico Townsite - Ghost town
Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2006
As I was approaching the freeway I passed this beautiful church. Could not resist stopping for a few pictures. My friend, Lavonne would have loved this one.
Alaska |
Arizona |
California |
Colorado |
Kansas |
Missiouri |
Montana |
Nevada |
New Mexico |
North Dakota |
Utah |
Wyoming |
Yukon |
Viewer Contributions |
Chicken |
Chitina |
Dyea |
Eagle |
Fort Egbert |
Hope |
Independence Mine |
Kennicott Kennecott |
McCarthy |
Nome |
Rika's Roadhouse |
Skagway |
Sunrise City |
Valdez |
Alaska Scenes |
Alaskan Adventures |
Exit Glacier |
Ganes Creek |
Gold Dredge Number 8 Fairbanks |
Ninilchik's Russian Orthodox Church |
Portage Glacier |
Andy Hehnlin |
Bodie |
Colorado Ghost Towns |
Scenes |
Adena Thru Dearfield |
Derry Ranch thru Hull City |
Idaho Springs thru Orchard |
Oro City thru Summerville |
Summit thru Yampa |
Bonnies Bonanza Memories |
Dredge near Fairplay |
Hugo Helps A stranger |
Jane Kirkham Grave |
teller city 2019 |
Buildings - Sights - vistas |
Mines and Mills |
Passes |
Tombstones |
California |
Cinnamon |
Engineer |
Georgia |
Hoosier |
Hurricane |
Keebler |
Loveland |
Monarch |
Mosquito |
Rollins Corona |
Fort Larned |
Fort Scott |
Neosho Falls |
Round Barn |
Watkins Mill |
Bannack |
Garnet |
Granite |
Nevada City |
Virginia City |
Austin |
Belmont |
Belmont Mill |
Berlin |
Cliente |
Caselton |
Cherry Creek |
Eureka |
Hamilton |
Humbolt |
Ione |
Lower Rochester |
Manhattan |
Pioche |
Rochester |
Sandy Springs |
Thunder Mountain |
Unionville |
Fort Abercrombie |
Fort Buford |
Fort Union |
Arches National Park |
Bluff |
Frisco |
Sego |
Zion NP |
Atlantic City |
Devils Tower |
Fort Laramine |
Independence Rock |
Medicine Wheel |
Miners Delight |
Savery WY - Little Snake River Museum |
Sherman |
South Pass City |
Carcross |
Dawson City |
Montaque Roadhouse |
Trail to the Klondike Gold Fields |