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Georgia Pass

Photos Mike Sinnwell

Check out the collage as this trip offers cabins, mountains, streams, beaver ponds etc. etc.

What a difference a week makes. Some pictures show snow, others do not. They were taken a week appart. Some on September 5th, some taken on September 12th. Yes it snowed on the 5th and was gone on the 12th.

A Viewer writes - I came across your pictures of the Georgia Pass cabins today. Believe it or not I actually knew the miner that lived in the long narrow cabin that looks like it may fall down. He always laughed and said it was his NEW house. He was very old at that time but still mined almost every. He told me that he got a lot of color from his mine. He was born down in the "big town" of grant. His dad and grandfather started the mine and he lived his whole life there. I am now 61 and knew him when I was 13-14 years old. Your pictures sure bring back memories of the old miners I knew in that area. I also knew the first school teacher in Levick. Her name was Alice Wonder. I have been in the town of Levick when it was still standing and we went from cabin to cabin reading the old newspapers what were tacked to the inside of the walls to keep out the cold. There were about 20 houses or so, there were dishes still on the table and the beds and everything else were still there. I have seen many , many places that are just not there anymore. What a grand thing it was to see. Thanks, feel free to call and talk if you wish

A viewer writes  -  Wednesday, July 27, 2011-- I saw the viewer comments on the "long" cabin just south of Georgia Pass and it brought back some memories!

In the 1970's I visited with this fellow a number of times while doing geologic evaluation of his and other properties in the area. He was quite a character and loved to talk mining and drink beer. He has some partners from Chicago at that time who stayed in Fairplay and provided money and beer for his annual mining season.

One of the last times I saw him was on a cold, fall day when we were looking as some prospects near timberline not far from his cabin. It started to snow and blow, so we retreated to the cabin for what passed for coffee in his world and some warmth. The cabin was actually quite snug, if dark and a bit dirty. The windows on the north side looked out at the hill sloping up the the jeep trail a few yards away. I looked up to see if the snow was sticking and was more than a little surprised to see a pair of attractive female legs and red shorts. The rest of the person being cut off from view by the top of the window and the overhang of the tin roof.  She was a part of a family of four who had driven over the pass from the south the previous afternoon, in a Trans Am, and had spent the night stuck a couple of miles over the pass in a mud hole with the transmission hung on a rock. They had a cold night of it, and were near hypothermic when they got to the cabin, but had enough floor mats and the like to get them a few miles. They were happy to have a ride back to Denver, and I was glad to help them out even if it cut my trip a bit short. I always wondered what it cost to get the Trans Am towed out of there.  Steve Rose  Reno, NV

Rocky writes - reminds me of the time I saw a Volvo Station wagon headed up Mosquito Pass.