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Hurricane Pass Colorado

Photos courtesy of Joan and Mike Sinnwell September 2007

Standing up here at the top of this pass you quickly understand the name and where it came from. Slightly breezy the day I was there. Elevation of over 12,400 feet. The Lake below is Lake Como, one of the prettiest blue lakes I have ever seen. Supposedly it was formed by a volcano and many people claim it is thousands of feet deep. There is a story about two young boys that hiked up here to find out how deep the lake was about 50 years ago. That was back when there was still lumber from the mines and wire from the buildings and telephone lines. They boys, now old men, claim they built a raft from lumber they found and tied it together with wire. Then they tied a BIG rock on to the end of 500 feet of telephone line and set out for the middle. When they reached the middle they threw the rock overboard. Last they saw of the wire it had all unraveled and was going down at a very fast pace. They concluded the lake was at least 500 feet deep.