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Old Hundred Boarding House and Tramway Colorado

Photos courtesy of Joan and Mike Sinnwell September 2007

This Boarding house and tramway station are literally hanging on the side of this mountain. Apparently they built the building in the valley, disassembled it and took it up the slope on the backs of mules. Loaded with bunks, twenty five doubles, for the miners with Victorian style and grace this is a beautiful building. It even has a front porch. Can you imagine the view from that porch high above timberline? I realize you will find this hard to believe but those buildings are in every photo with the exception of the last three. The last three photos are pictures of the Buffalo Boy Tram Terminal building.  It is near the Old Hundred Mine tour area. The terminal has been converted to a house and was identified by Tom Casper.      

Okay, call me chicken but I used a telephoto lens for this one. I did some research prior to locating this site, I discussed the trail with numerous locals, and I think the turning point that made me decide not to attempt to hike to the site was the talk about Helicopters. Apparently during the recent restoration efforts the only way they were able to get items into and out of the site was to use Helicopters. I don't have wings and I could not find anyone that was willing to join me. Maybe when my son gets back from Tibet we will go.

A viewer writes -  As far as the Old Hundred trail, the problem for many is that you can't see it till you are up close so it looks like there isn't one.  When we did it, we went off the Stony Pass road and went down a gully and back up.  If you are afraid of being on a side hill then that trail isn't for you but it is easy to follow and well worth it.  It was a donkey trail I believe, so if they can do it, so can I. - Submitted by Tom Casper.