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Ouray Colorado Ghost Town

Updated Joan and Mike Sinnwell September 2007

These photos do not do justice for the really great ghost town of Ouray. I promise to update these for you. You need to walk the streets of this Ghost Town to get a feel for it. Take a hike to the falls, see the hot springs, or check out the Hotel.

It wouldn't hurt to visit the courthouse where some of the scenes for "True Grit" were filmed.

A reader writes - This is Kaye from Oklahoma again, I have been to Ouray, and you can consider it might have been a ghost town at one time. Then the gold rush came about and it became a bigger town. So if you want to call Ouray a ghost town well that's your business, cause I think it was at one time. If that makes sense. LOL

A reader writes - Hello,I love it,Ouray and Silverton. I am looking for a great picture to have painted on the wall in my classroom. Mountains, lake, Ouray from the south, looking at the whole town with mts. everywhere.) I teach 7th grade, we have no windows, but these mountains we and many others share would really make my classroom bright. This is a great site. Drop me a note sometime, it would be nice to share mountain stories.  God Bless! Lynn     P.S. We have vacationed in Ouray since 1980. I long to be teaching there. Any information on how to breathe up there? The last 2 years breathing has been harder it seems.

A viewer writes - Friday February 25th 2011. -- I live in Ouray and have made friends with an 83 year old man who knew Milton and his brother. He told me Milton and his brother lived on the east side of 550. The house on the highway a guy named Baker lived there and when he moved out Milton moved in to it. He said "any time you visited Milt and his brother you had to have a bowl of soup with them." Milton and his brother worked in their mines up to the time they died and only mined what they needed to buy supplies to live on.

Next time I get back up to Ironton I will try to get pictures of what is left of their houses. I enjoyed the clip of him and my friend said "yes Milt was a character".