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Teller City Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2005

Scams are nothing new. Even this old mining camp had one. Apparently an investor agreed to pay two men to dig a 100 foot deep mine shaft. When the two scammers got to digging they hit water at about 50 feet. So instead of continuing they just climbed out of the hole and started digging a new hole nearby. When they were down 50 feet they hit water again. They turned in their claim stating they had dug 100 feet down, obviously omitting the fact they dug two 50 foot holes. After they collected their money they strangely disappeared.

Look closely as you drive through the forest or you will miss this one.

A viewer writes -  Wednesday, June 02, 2010 -  We went to see Teller City this past Memorial weekend.  Beautiful, peaceful, quiet area.  The store clerk in Rand City thought nothing was left to see however there are many remnants of structures still very much present. If you have the time it is a wonderful place.  Trish, Michigan.

Update, in 2012 I went back thru this area. Beetle kill has taken a toll on the forest. Be careful of trucks, and falling trees.