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Ruby Colorado Townsite Ghost Town

Photos courtesy Mike Sinnwell August 2010  

The town was laid out in the 1890’s in Lincoln Gulch. It died because of poor roads, market conditions and the isolation. Originally the town was called Lincoln Creek because of it’s location on Lincoln Creek and it was in the Lincoln Mining district. During the early 1900’s the Ruby Mining and Development Company began buying up the claims. This meant the building of a boarding house and a mill to support their operations. Before 1906, when a wagon road was finally built, all the ore had to be hauled out using pack trains. All this helped the town to grow until about 1912. Some miners stayed on for years searching and sometimes finding some ore.

The name was changed and it is still in dispute, one side says it was named after the Ruby Mining and Development Company, the other side says it was named after the ruby silver ore found in the area.  Either solution works for me.

After the rough 4x4 ride of about 14 miles into this area I was glad to get out and stretch my legs. The road winds through the forest, marshland and it contains plenty of rocks and ruts. It ends up in a beautiful valley. It is one of those roads where you just can not avoid getting bounced around.

A viewer writes - Thursday, February 19, 2015  -- Early 1970, I was recovering from knee surgery in Denver, friend asked my help. He had visitation with 6 year old son Asa and had plans for weekend in Aspen with lady friend so could I come along watch Asa? He promised take me to place where I would meet girls. We are sent up half way Lincoln creek to "The Grotto's" which was deep cut canyons with cool springs. There were many girls sunbathing on top of the large rocks, many topless which made awkward for me to approach but not Asa! All the girls were drawn to this cute little boy, great icebreaker! Over years, drove my jeep further back to Ruby many time, explored cabins with Sears Roebuck toilets and picked up scraps from old sawmill to make signs, furniture. Yes the road was very bumpy, several wash outs, rocks, and it would take half day or more but no hurry. Once past small lake, would rarely see E anyone. I was told trail eventually went to Created Butte by never tried.