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Salina Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2005

Two Churches means there should be plenty of room at any service for anyone that wants to attend. As the sign says the population is rather small. Less than 100 people. Typical of these Ghost towns there are many hound dogs. It had a railroad, several mills and numerous mines. The town was named after the Kansas town of the same name probably because some of the early settlers were from Salina Kansas.

 Here are some Salina facts.

Location - Boulder County - Four Mile creek drainage

1873 the town had thirty families

1875 over one hundred residents - a general store - saloon - assay office

1881 hotel (Salina House) several more stores and three mills

A carpenter named Henry Von Myrinck (a carpenter by trade) discovered the

Melvina mine (named after his mother)

He sent for his wife and family in 1879 to join him.

He sold the mine and invested in Horsehair mattress business. (it failed and

he lost a fortune)

Ended up living off his Navy pension ( $21 per month)

Had a post office - train station freight business

A reader writes in - My father was born in Salina in 1903. He attended the school which you have pictured here. He first lived in a house on the right side of the road coming into town. The house burned down. The family then moved to a house at the end of the road.

A viewer writes - Yes, I enjoyed your site very much. It is the only site I could find that referenced Salina, CO so it is especially meaningful to me. Somewhere I have some very old pictures of miners in Salina. My grandfather was a miner and so was one of my uncles. They are very gruff looking old guys. It must have been a very tough life. My dad's family first lived in a house on the right side of the road coming into town. When he was very young he fell out of a tree in the yard and broke his arm. There were no doctors so it had to heal without medical attention. They could not afford to travel to Boulder for help so it healed, but somewhat crooked. Sometime later the house caught fire and there was no fire department so it burned to the ground. They then moved to a two story house at the end of the road near the school and near a mine. I have a photo of that house. Its probably still there. Anything that I find I will email to you, and you are welcome to use whatever I send or write. The last time I visited Salina was in 1956 with my dad. He showed me the one room school house where he attended and also the second family home. You have that very school house pictured on your web site.  I hope to return someday and if I do I will certainly take pictures. Thanks for your work and for creating a great site, and thank you for writing.

A viewer contributes -  




A viewer writes - The house that is pictured (above) is the second family home that I wrote about. My grandmother was widowed in 1904 and she and her six children lived in the home. The oldest boy, who was probably about 16 or 18, worked in the mine in Salina. My grandmother, Eva, did washing for the miners. The children in front of the home in one of the pictures are my father and his sisters and brothers.  

The old miners in two of the photos include my dad's oldest brother and one of their uncles. From the look of the pictures it must have been a very tough life. I cannot imagine what it was like to live like that. No electricity, no running water and no indoor plumbing.  

One of the photos describes the home as "The Johnson residence." My grandmother's maiden name was Eva Johnson. She married Herman Schwartz. When he died she remained single for about five years. Then she met a man by the name of Andrew Johnson and married for the second time. By coincidence she returned to using what would appear to be her maiden name, however it was the surname of her new husband. They lived in the home pictured. When the photo was taken the home was then known as the "Johnson residence." That was probably about 1910, but that's an approximation.

 Thank you for your continuing efforts on your web site.

A viewer writes - Found the site very interesting, My ggAunt lived in Salina from 1920 till she died around 1926.  May have moved there earlier from Norton.  Have many unanswered questions re; cemeteries and news paper records..  Find any news of this ghost town fascinating.

A viewer writes 8/2008 -  According my gg uncle was a salon keeper in Salina. His name was Joseph Andrew "Andy" Rogers. He was born in Davies Co. Missouri in 1854. Had a son, Arther S. born in Salina in 1892. Can you find any information to verify?  Darrell Rogers

A viewer contributes old photos from the 1890s    Looks like they did some painting on the Boarding house?


A viewer writes Wednesday July 21st, 2010 - Hi – Henry Von Myrinck was my Great Grandfather. His name was Gustov Ernest Henry von Myrinck before he changed his name to Henry Meyring.  I have been looking up my family in Colorado. I really want to see Salina. Hoping to visit sometime next year. Thanks so much for your website!!!! - Shelley (Meyring) Leonard Seattle, Washington

A viewer writes - Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - We just had a record breaking wildfire in this area. I am a current proud resident of Salina. We may have a Boulder mailing address since it has been deemed a ghost town, but our whole community is proud to live in such a beautiful area.

169 homes were lost in this fire total and several other structures as well. Some of our Salina residents tragically lost their homes. There are many historic buildings, however, that have made it...including the red barn, the miner's rest, the little church in the pines, the old Salina cafe, and the schoolhouse (where we often have community gatherings and live music.

Salina may be considered a ghost town, but the residents are all alive and well. I feel very lucky to belong to such a genuinely loving and beautiful community.

Jamie Zane, Salina, CO

A viewer writes - Thursday, September 16, 2010 - From Eldorado Springs I send my thoughts to Salina.  Graduated from Boulder High with a Salina resident, Jill Brown.  When in high school I worked for Coach Walker at the Trojan Ranch.  Kirk G Hedgecock

A viewer writes - Wednesday, June 29, 2011 -- I lived in Salina when I was six or seven years old.  We lived in the house just east of the cafe (up the stone steps) and across from the church.  That was in 1955 or 56.  It's gone now (I guess the fire got it last September).  I've been trying to find pictures of the house, but so far have found none. Bill Saunders in Superior, Colorado  I just left a comment about Salina and didn't leave my email address.  My name is Bill Saunders and I live in Superior, Colorado.  My email is: Hopefully you can put that on my first message.  I would like to find some pictures of the old house.

Rocky Says -- If you can help Wayne out please contact him. See note below.

A viewer writes - Monday January 20th 2014 -- I have a collection of old (Herman) Schwartz and (Eva) Johnson family material with turn-of-the-century photos of Salina and Boulder that should be in the hands of family members. Salina Archivist Marti Anderson has tried to identify a family contact but without success. Is it possible that you are aware of any existing descendants that could contact me?  THANKS Wayne Thomas: