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Stoneham Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell December 2007

This land was Native American land where the Cheyenne, Arapahoe and Lakota Sioux lived and hunted. Bison grazed on the buffalo grass and blue grama grass. Teepees were scattered across the plains. Thousands of miles of these grassy treeless plains supported abundant wildlife. Then gold was discovered in the nearby mountains in 1858. That brought the ranchers in the 1860s, the sodbusters in the 1880's and 1900's along with the railroads and finally the dust bowl days of the 1930's. The result of all the plowups that occurred over the years. The grass that held the plains together had been destroyed.

A viewer writes  - We live in Fort Morgan, and love to visit Stoneham on occasion. It is the sweetest little town, makes you wonder what it must have once been. It's really worth the trip, just make sure you go on a day that Dewey's Bar and Grill is open, and make reservations (yes they get busy, as people come from far and wide for her food). It's a fun little trip down memory lane, also, visit the cemetery just to the east off of Hwy 14 and look for the gravestone with the telephone by it (yes, a telephone, if it's still there).