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Ludlow Colorado Ghost Town

Photos Mike Sinnwell 1 thru 9 were taken in 2003 - the rest are from 2015

Not everyone came to Colorado for the Gold. Many came for coal. What they got was not what they expected.

Recently this memorial was vandalized. The statue was broken, Pieces where taken from the memorial. Currently there is a $5,000 reward for any information leading to the arrest of the vandals.  I hope they catch them and put them so far in the hole they have to pipe sunshine to them and feed them with a slingshot.

UPDATE June 2005 - The statues have been rebuilt thanks to many people that helped fix the damage a few vandals caused.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, October 12, 2011 -- I hope to visit the Ludlow Massacre Memorial on a visit to Taos, I live in Canon City and it is a chore to find anything written about the us labor movement, its importance to our society-generally it has been written out of most current us history books or trivialized.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, October 30, 2013 -- My Mom who is 94 was telling me a story today of living in a 'Home' in Ludlow as a young child. She remembers the railroad cars with lumber and coal, and the Hobo's the her 'Gram' would welcome in to her home and feed them. I can't seem to find any history or photos past 1914 and the Massacre?   Wayne Warner

Rocky says - Check with the Colorado Historical society.