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Montezuma Colorado Ghost Town

Photos Mike Sinnwell September 2004

Montezuma is a ghost town that transformed into a summer home and permanent residence haven. Maybe that is heaven. As it sits in a valley at about 10,000 ft with beautiful mountains surrounding it and lot's of mining history. The town was probably founded in 1865 by a prospector named John Coley. The first settlers had to come over 13,000+ ft Loveland pass to get here. Some famous characters went through Montezuma during it's heydays. Henry Teller, Father John Dyer, Dixie (AKA Ada Smith) By 1880 it was the largest town in the area. Several fires over the years have taken care of the three hotels, store buildings and bawdy houses but there is still plenty to see. Even the house built out of a water tank.

My secret gold mine is not to far from here…..