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Maxey Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos Courtesy Mike Sinnwell September 2009

Not much left of Maxey but the cemetery and church sitting high on a hill in the plains. The area is fenced in and surrounded by iris's planted around the perimeter. Maxey had a post office in 1910, a country store, and a few homes. Religion played a big part in the history of Maxey with 30 people being baptized in one day in a water hole near Two Butte Creek. The little stone church still stands.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, October 15, 2014 -- Wednesday. October 15, 2014 I really enjoy your web site and the info received from you concerning the ghost Town named MAXEY. Since I corresponded with you back on 10/19/2013, I still am searching for any info on the Maxey families that the town was named for and may have lived there in the early 1900s. I am planning a trip to the area in the spring of 2015. Keep up the good work. My contribution is in the mail. J.L. Maxey