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Nevadaville  Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos Mike Sinnwell 2005 2007

I like this town. I got a personal tour provided by a resident. She even opened two of the five buildings for me and let me wander thru all the good stuff. The jail cells are actually in the basement of the city hall building. Two cells lined with metal. New photos, May 2006, are the 1st eight photos.

These pictures were taken in January of 2005. They show some of main street, a couple  buildings throughout town including the jail, city hall, fire station, and Masonic building. According to what she told me the Masons still meet there once a month.

A reader writes - My grandmother Jane Tregear was born in Nevadaville in 1869. Her father was a miner there. I visited the area several years ago. How do I obtain more information? Thank you Betty

A viewer writes - August 2008 - Great site. Loved the pics. of Nevadaville. My great grandparents [Grenfell/Richards] lived there in the late 1870s/early 1880s before coming to the goldfields in Victoria, Australia.  Roz

A viewer writes - Thursday, April 02, 2009 - I own 25% of a gold mine in Nevadaville called the Sullivan load 88 that I would like to sell. My phone number is 814-274-7343

A viewer writes - May 5,2009 -  My cousin, Mary Auer, owned two buildings in Nevadaville, a very nice house and a building where she sold "junk" (she called it Mary's Junk Shot).  My best friend and I spent that summer working at Johnson's Smorgasbord in Central City.  Every morning we took the mile or so walk down hill to Central City, every night we walked back.  It was a wonderful experience.  There were, perhaps, another half dozen or so people living there at the time.  The remaining buildings were open and you could easily find old bottles and other collectables on the hillside.  A more innocent time than today.  Anybody remember Johnson's? Mark Norby []

A viewer writes July 1st, 2009 - I lived in Nevadaville for about 3 months, beautiful place that is very full of ghost's. At night when the time is right you can still hear the stamp mills pounding rocks. The town is full of residents of long ago. A clear summer night is a good time to catch a few with your camera! Sometimes you can get a very clear audio of an old timer too.

A viewer writes - September 2009 - My great great grandfather, Joseph Kramer, owned the saloon in Nevadaville during the town's early mining days; and the last time I visited about 10 years ago, there was still a make-shift sign on the building that said "Joseph Kramer's Saloon" . . . certainly not the original.   In the photos above it is the red building with the three arched windows.  At the time of my visit, the building was being used as an antique store, but some of the original wallpaper from the saloon days could still be seen on the wall.  In the photos above, I notice a "For Sale" sign on the outside of the building . . . certainly wish I could reclaim this piece of my family's history.  Thank you for making it possible for a long-distance relative to see a bit of this wonderful old ghost town.  Barbara Castillo  Scottsdale, AZ

A viewer write Friday, October 02, 2009 -  Great photo's. My husband and I were just there in September. My gg

grandfather John W. Remine and his family first lived there after moving from Minnesota in 1861. Their house burned down, they then moved to Central City. He was a lawyer there and later became a district court judge for Summit County.

Paula Schommer,

A  follow-up note from Paula. - My gg grandfather John W. Remine Esq, first came to Colorado in the fall of 1859 from Rochester, Minnesota. I'm not certain if he was actually in Nevadaville at this time.

In the spring of 1861, John's wife Maggie and their 2 daughter's, Minnie, and Fannie made the trip to Colorado across the plains by covered wagon. They first lived in Nevadaville. Their house was burned by a forest fire, they then moved to Central City.

John and Maggie had four other children, Willie, Clara, Leea, Helen, all born in Central City. Willie and Leea both died as infants.

John practiced law in Central City and later became district court judge for Summit County. Every summer he rode on horseback over Argentine Pass to Breckenridge to hold court.

He died in Central City, August of 1869 and is buried in the old Odd Fellows Cemetery.

Sadly, we could not find a marker for his burial.  Paula

A viewer writes  Sunday, January 10, 2010 -  Hi,found your site looking for info. on Nevadaville, Co.Stumbled into Nevadaville on fishing trip to Central City Pond this summer. Thought it was the coolest place. Hard to imagine that a few thousand people occupied during the 1860's and70's. Found a good book on the area titled "Gulch of Gold" by Caroline Bancroft. Good historical info. about CentralCentral City, Black Hawk, Nevadaville, Russel Gulch and Mountain City which I never knew was between Central and Black Hawk. Looking foward to hiking around this coming spring. Really like your site and love Colo. history. G.Miranda,Thornton,Colo.

A viewer writes - Friday, March 12, 2010  Thanks for the neat pictures & history! I've lived in Colorado for 20 years, and worked in Black Hawk for a time, but never got up to Nevadaville prior to yesterday. I just wish I'd had my camera with me. ;) JoAnn, Lakewood, CO

A viewer writes - Monday, August 9th, 2010 - My name is Linda and I live in Grand Junction, CO.  My grandmother was born in Nevadaville in 1893.  Her name was Martha (Bessie) Clark.  She later married and lived her whole life in Denver.  I am so excited to see that the "town" is partly still there.  My grandmother's father owned the general store - John Clark.  Am looking forward to going to see what I can find.

A viewer writes - Saturday, September 04, 2010 - Great site and pictures.  My wife's great grandparents (Archelus and Kazia Watters) lived in Nevadville and he worked in the mines but not sure which one.  They are both buried up on Bald Mountain there above Nevadaville.  We were there on Thursday, Sept. 2, 2010 and sure enjoyed looking around.  If anyone has more pictures or information on the above family please respond to

A viewer writes  Saturday, October 09, 2010 - In August I wrote in about my Grandmother being born in Nevadaville.  Her adoptive father was John J. Clark and her biological father was John William Atkinson.  Both of them and their fathers are buried at Bald Mountain.  If any of you out there could add to my stories of them, I would love to hear from you.  I am  Thank you.

A viewer writes - December 08, 2010 -- I live in Canon City, Colorado and my father-in-law found a trade token that is traced back to Nevadaville.  It has "Miss Ruby Ross, 1720 Armore Ave" on one side and "Good for Trade 5 cents" on the other.  Is there any record of a Ruby Ross inhabiting Nevadaville?  Thank you, Shae Graff and Bill Hubbard

A viewer writes - Tuesday, February 15, 2011 - Can't believe this site!  I just found out today through a 1900 Colorado

census record of where my great-grandparents first settled in America.  In short, it reads location 385, Nevadaville town, Gilpin, Colorado.  Here is their story with the puzzle coming together:

*Francis & Catharine Lightfoot (nee Hill) emigrated with their infant daughter, Mary, from Dearham, England, aboard the SS Berlin to New York in March 1893.  Francis (later Frank)was a coal miner from England - went to Nevadaville and is listed as a gold miner. * The infant daughter, Mary Lightfoot, was not listed in the 1900 census as a member of the family (2 other children are) - so she must have died & is likely buried nearby?

*Catharine was pregnant when they emigrated in March 1893 and in Dec. 1893, my grandmother, Elizabeth Lightfoot was born in Nevadaville. *In short, they had several children while living in this area, but once again emigrated to work in the silver mines in Cobalt, Ontario, Canada. Elizabeth seems to be the only surviving child to arrive with them in about 1906.  There were several more children born in Cobalt, Ontario, but for some reason they all died young.  *In 1911, Elizabeth Lightfoot (yes, 14 yrs.old!) married my grandfather, Norman Donald, from Bracebridge, Ontario, Canada.

*My father, Merrill Donald, was born Feb. 27, 1922, in Bracebridge, Ontario. He will be 89 years old in a couple of weeks.  Although he suffers from Alzheimer's disease and has lost most of his short-term memory, he suddenly has clear long-term memories of his grandmother telling the stories of Nevadaville.

*Isn't it a small world?! -- If anyone can connect any of the above names in the area from about 1893 to

1905/6, please email me at:

This is a wonderfully put together site and I've thoroughly enjoyed the find.

Keep it up!

I hope to visit one day.  Regards, June

A viewer writes -  Sunday, March 20, 2011 -- I stumbled across your site out of frustration to find something/ anything about my family. My family lived in Nevadaville, Apex, Perigo. Their names are Angelo Rosetta, his daughter Lulu married Antonio Andreatta. He owned the lulu lode for awhile. His other daughter Angeline married Oney Hines and his last daughter married Jennie married John Tessadri. My grand father Angelo Rosetta owned the Angeline mine and was friend with mayor Davies. The graves of my grand parents can't be found and it seems like any info about my family is not to be found. IF anyone has any idea about my family please contact me at

A viewer writes - Tuesday, May 03, 2011 -- Subject: Christopher Bennetts,  My husband’s great grandfather – Christopher (Chris) Bennetts – was born in Nevadaville 2/9/1874.  He married Catherine Jane Faull (Central City).   I’m trying to find out for their granddaughter (my mother-in-law) if her grandfather died and was buried in Nevadaville.   Can you tell me this info?  Elizabeth Corley

Rocky writes - Elizabeth,  THANKS for visiting my site. I appreciate it. I did a quick internet search and it appears both Christopher and Catherine are buried in Golden Colorado.

– by the way, my mother-in-law’s name is Helen Catherine Corley.  Her mother was LaVinia Pearl Bennetts (born in Golden) – Christopher and Catherine were her parents.   [In fact, my husband is named Chris for her grandfather.]  Mom just turned 90 and I am trying to put together her family history while her memory is still good.  She tried to put this all together about 20 years ago, which is where I got enough of the info to make contact with you.   Thanks again! Elizabeth Corley

A viewer writes - Sunday May 05, 2011 -- I found your site by information my 92 year old Aunt gave me on the phone today:

My Grandpa Mick worked there in the late 30's? His name was Elmer Dan Coughlin nickname of Mick. Your site is very interesting I lived in Nederland two different times once at birth and then again at 14-16 I am now 64 so it's been awhile. Thank You  - Shirley/ Yucca, Az.

A viewer writes - Thursday, July 14, 2011-- Hi there. My great-great grandfather, Thomas Lanyon was a miner in Nevadaville. He married Susie Louise Vance (Lanyon) who was a teacher there in the late 1880's. Thomas came from Cornwall England to Nevadaville. I am trying to find child of theirs (William Lanyon) who was buried there. (not the Russell Gultch Cemetery as thought) Please give info if available. Also how do i find out about which mine Thomas Lanyon worked in?   Thank you so much for this site , signed Sharon Lanyon Pierce!!

Rocky says - Does this match? -- Lanyon, William V.   14 Aug. 1880 Aged 4M son of T. & S.L. Buried in Rocky Mountain Lodge #2 I.O.O.F. Russel Gulch Cemetery

A viewer writes -  Monday, August 29, 2011 -- Thanks. I did find little "Vancie" William Lanyon buried at the Bald Eagle Cemetery. It was wonderful to find it and thanks for your help. signed Sharon Lanyon Pierce

A viewer writes - Friday, September 02, 2011 -- My Great Grandfather, Jeremiah Thomas arrived in Nevadaville sometime after 1863.  In 1868 he married Ellen Jenkins in Central City and in 1869 their first son, Charles was born.  Three daughters were born in Nevadaville, but all died during their first year of life.  The Thomas' left Nevadaville in about 1873-74 for Alta, Utah and then in 1876-77 to Willow Creek, Montana.  Have traveled to the area a couple of times trying to find more info, especially on mining records. No luck. Jack Thomas, Bennett, Iowa

A viewer writes - Saturday, March 24, 2012 --  My husband's grandfather was the night watchman of Nevadaville in the 70's His name was Virgirl (Pat) Green his old abandon trailer is in the gulley . I would love To live up there. Someone should buy the big old red house that I think belonged Many years ago to gene crosswhite not sure if that is how you spell his name  And make a bed and breakfast. Save the town before the rich snobs turn it in to Lots. The person who could make a bed & breakfast and tour the town Fix it back up. My husband Charlies spent a lot of summers up there.

 Perry Mason even had one of the mines in it. The episode was the glass coffin.  I do hope somebody will preserve the beautiful part of Colorado --  my e-mail is please save history

A viewer writes - Monday, September 10, 2012 -- I wrote in Aug 9, 2010 and also Oct 9, 2010, looking for information on my family that lived in Nevadaville.  At the time my email was  Due to a fluke at hotmail I had to change my email to  I would still like to learn more.  My grandparents, aunts and uncles are buried there at Bald Mounatain.  Names are Wollenweber, Atkinson, Clark, Seymour with ties involved.

A viewer writes - Tuesday, September 25, 2012 -- On September 9, 2010 I wrote in about my grandmother who was born in Nevadaville.  Her biologic father was John William Atkinson and her adoptive father (also her real uncle) was John J. Clark.  I keep looking for more information on them.  they are all buried at Bald Mountain.  If you have any information, I would appreciate it.  My new e-mail address is  I was just up at Bald Mountain Cemetery and visited Nevadaville last weekend.  It is so interesting to try to picture the people as they lived their lives there.

A viewer sends in this photo of Nevadaville in the 1930's- Thanks to Mary Lockhart from the Downtown Antique Mall in West Branch MI.


A viewer writes - Saturday, January 19, 2013 -- My Great Grandfather Jeremiah Thomas went to Nevadaville in about 1867.  In 1868 he married Ellen Jenkins in Central City and one year later their first child, Charles was born.  They left there after 3 new born daughters died during the first year of their lives.

Rocky says - Sad but not uncommon back then. Miles from hospitals, urgent care did not exist, few DRs, harsh environment, less medicines and knowledge of illnesses.

A viewer writes - Monday, February 25, 2013  - My wife, daughter and I explored Nevadaville on foot in the summer of 1976.  While walking past some old tailings piles we surprisingly came upon two open, unprotected shafts or old ore passes.  Scared the heck out of me, as anyone not being careful could have fallen in.  We didn't leave by going back through Central City, but rather took a steep, switch backed way out and down that came out back of Idaho Springs.  That was a hair-raising but beautiful decent into I.S.

Rocky says - That was the "O MY GOD" road that went from Central City to Idaho Springs. Since gambling came to Central City that road has been improved. Still interesting but not anywhere near as Hair Raising or fun anymore.

Rocky writes - For those of you that are Facebook users and interested in connecting with others from Russell Gulch or Nevadaville you should friend this link.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, July 17, 2013 -- Great site, I currently live on Alps Hill between the West end of Russell Gulch and Nevadaville and am willing to help out anyone looking for current info/pictures of the area. Phil W.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, September 18, 2013 -- Wonderful site-I lived on Bald Mountain above Nevadaville in '92-'93 in a house I rented from Alverna Bowden. Worked at a casino in Central City. Best year of my life.

A viewer writes Thursday October 10th 2013 - Regarding the mining operations in Central City & Black Hawk Colorado...

There is a detailed book by Dan Abbott and Dell A. McCoy titled The Gilpin Railroad Era best explaining the railroads involvement in Black Hawk, Central City, Nevadaville, Russell Gulch - Colorado's Baby Railroad. I am certain it can be obtained from a local library, book store or better yet from Sundance Books in Denver Colorado, ISBN: 0-913582-79-4.  No small booklet this is a full length book detailing the goings on of the times and troubles of the Gilpin Tram Railroad.

Rocky Says THANKS to Ken for the information.

A viewer writes - Monday, April 07, 2014  -  I am a new resident of Nevadaville and want to setup a museum here in town.  I am looking for vintage photos....  stories of gold and lives.....  names of residents who lived here, passed through here, died here, entertained here..   Whatever!    My Uncle George Johnson was a trick rider for the Buffalo Bill Wild West Show that passed through Central City many times.  He logged his travels and fun panning for plasser in Nevadaville.  Perhaps you have a short/long story of the like?     Bennett Pettersson

A viewer writes - Tuesday, July 08, 2014 -- I bought a house in Nevadaville in 1975 and lived there until 1979.  I purchased it from a friend, Mary Auer.  She had a junk shop in this house prior to my purchasing it.    

I was a waitress at Johnsons in Central City in the summers and would walk to and from my house to work.  The food at Johnsons was a little frightening.  I was the breakfast waitress and one of my tasks every morning was to mix up the butter.  You don't want to know what was in it.  

My neighbor, Gene, lived in the big two story red house that still stands.  Gene was a miner in his youth and had lost his arm in a mining accident.  He loved to play pool and his pool table and truck were his prize possessions.  I used to take family and friends up to play pool with him and he usually won.  

Gene was quite the character.  He had a large potbellied stove in his living room.  He always had coal soaking in diesel fuel next to his woodstove.  I was always afraid his house would go up in flames!  He was a wonderful neighborhood always watching over my house and volunteering to help with any task that involved heavy lifting.  He also was an expert at chopping wood with a wedge and sledge.  He taught me how to use his method and I used it for the next 25 years in my other mountain homes.   

I am not sure when Gene died but a big piece of Nevadaville history was lost with his passing. I saw recently that his red house was up for sale.  I hope someone buys it that cares for the old place.

A viewer writes - Sunday, October 19, 2014  -- My Dad bought a patented mining claim called the Governor Adams years ago from his friend at Gulf Oil Co. We visited it about 30 years ago. There were the original rock markers at the boundaries. The mining shaft has since been filled in by the State to prevent accidents. I remember going across a shaky bridge to go uphill to the mine. One of your pictures was taken from the site, the one looking down to the townsite of Nevadaville. The mere thought of looters taking away historical relics is disgusting.  

When I retire next year, Nevadaville will be at the top of my list of places to visit. I applaud those who live there and walk the area. Maybe we can meet and talk. I have a lot of stories to tell.  Dave Davis

Rocky Says - Send the stories in as we all would like to hear them. Or give me a call....

A viewer writes - Wednesday, May 20, 2015 -- Nevadaville - To Elizabeth Corley regarding Christopher and Catherine Bennetts: Christopher was my Great Grandfather. I can take you to his grave in Golden, Co. There are 3 generations buried there starting with Christopher including 2 of Pearl's brothers. You can contact me at