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Marble Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2006

Everybody else shows you pictures of the town. I decided to show you pictures of the mine first. The marble for the tomb of the unknown soldier came from here. The replacement is being mined now as the current one has developed a crack. (2003) Makes Marble a special place. Next time you are standing by the tomb I hope you remember Marble Colorado

A viewer writes - Thursday, February 17, 2011 - The trip to the marble quarry in years past was possible.  The road is on the old electric railroad grade used to bring down the marble.  Today, the upper part of the access road is gated with a pull off parking area to the left.  There was a trail from this point above Yule Creek, but this too has been gated.  I suppose liability issues are involved.  I am thankful I was able to see the spectacular vaults in years past.  Ken Jessen, Loveland, Colorado