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Nederland Colorado Town site - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Joan Sinnwell August 2005

Can you believe it. This towns celebrates the "Frozen Dead Guy Days". That is another story in itself. The small brick buildings in the photos have since given way to progress. A parking lot now occupies the space where they were. So much for progress.

As you may have guessed this town got it's name because a Dutch mining company bought the Caribou Mill and Mine. They renamed the town Nederland in about 1874. The town actually was a agricultural area supporting Central City, Black Hawk and the surrounding mines. It was also fortunate to see three different "strikes" renew the town. First it was Silver at Caribou, then Gold at Eldora and finally the dreaded black iron. The miners cursed the stuff as it was always found in the Silver mines.  Somewhere along the line they figured out the "black Iron" was really tungsten and another boom began.

A viewer writes - Friday, March 14, 2014  --  Me and my husband got married up there in August of 2003 and have been residing in Nederland ever since what a beautiful place and now recently I've been learning the history this is a great page thank you for sharing  it!

A viewer writes - Monday, June 02, 2014 - I was born in Denver, and my mothers family the yellow cabin in the row. I have sooo many fond memories as a kid going to the cabin. I remember hiking up to the hermits cabin, back down to the lake, to the memorial park, climbing "tenderfoot" Memories of eating at the Stage Stop in Rollinsville, or shopping at the Denim and Lace shop in Nederlamd. We would always walk down to the school house and imagine what it was like for kids to go to school there. I used to love riding in the back of my Granddad's pick up truck, up Giants Ladder, and picnicing at Yankee Doodle Lake, only to make it as far as the Needle Eye Tunnel. That place is my Tranquility. Always has been, and always will be!