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Lycan ( Buckeye) Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy Mike Sinnwell December 2007

Little is know of this town. Only a couple buildings remain along with the usual assortment of machinery. Apparently the town got the name from the town's first school teacher and postmistress. Post Office long gone. Mail service now comes from Two Buttes. This town is "New Lycan" as the original town of Lycan was located about seven miles north west of this location.

Here is a picture of the old school house at old Lycan THANKS to


A viewer writes November 24th 2009 -  I have enclosed a picture of the site of mom's last place in far western Kansas, west of Manter, about a 1/2 mile from the Colorado line.  That place is still called "The Carter Section" (acc. to the man who still farms it) named after my grandpa and grandma (Ike and Lilly Carter), mom's parents. Also two stories below.


"Ice Cream Social."  As told by Maxine Carter Montgomery, to her son Michael Carter McKenzie.

To celebrate the end of wheat harvest (and this took place in the early 1930s), my dad (Ike Carter) would drive his Model T up the road a couple miles west to Buckeye, Colorado (this place is now called Lycan) to get huge blocks of ice to make ice cream.  This social was a big deal, with neighbors and farmhands all invited, with women bringing in their own pies and cakes; and my mother (Lillie Carter) would make her famous angel food cake.  Occasionally she would make the cake a bit fancier, with streaks of chocolate or other food coloring, but folks loved the social atmosphere.

He would bring the ice home wrapped in blankets and tarps and quickly take it down to our cellar, to try and keep it as cool as possible for as long as possible. Then, using a chisel and a sledge, he would break off large chunks, then wrap those chunks in burlap and break them up still further to fit around the freezer of the ice cream container--then folks would take turns cranking until the ice cream was ready.  What a treat!

I also remember going with dad to Buckeye on those trips, and the store owner would give my sister (Iradell) and me free "penny-suckers," which was a real treat since we didn't often get store candy.


"Herding Cattle," as told my Maxine Carter Montgomery to her son, Michael Carter McKenzie.

In the 1930s we would frequently run some cattle in the eastern foothills of the Rocky Mountains, to take advantage of better summer pasture.  This was south and west of Buckeye.  When the season was over, the cattle would be brought down into small canyons or draws in eastern Colorado, to await the Kansas Brand Inspector.  My job was to ride herd on them, to make sure none got away.

I was pretty good on a horse, and dad would tell me to watch out for snakes, as they might cause the horse to buck and throw me, but I always stayed on!  I liked doing that, and felt as though I was being "responsible" in a grown-up way.

So even though we lived in far western Kansas, many of my memories centered on the Colorado towns that were close to the border, and I can remember shopping trips to Holly, Lamar, and Pueblo (where we had friends).  These were special trips, and we looked forward to them very much.  My sister and I could buy fabric to make dresses, and mother could buy other things she could not get in either Manter or Johnson, Kansas.

A very special THANKS to Michael McKenzie [] for providing the photo and the stories.

A viewer writes - Saturday, August 13, 2011  -- I am Mary Beth LYCAN MIller.  I was born and raised in Illinois.  On vacation as a child, I saw the sign to Lycan Colorado.   I did write to the town,  {this was way before internet) and was told that a family named Lycan moved from Paris, Il to Colorado, and named the town. This family was related to my family, but not closely.   I do not remember  any more details, and this was in the  late 1960's.  that is about all that I tell you now. If you want to contact me

Rocky Responds - Asa "Ace" Lycan founded the town in 1913.