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Morley Colorado

Photos Mike Sinnwell 8-2015

I have often driven past the remains of this Church. I finally decided it was time to take a closer look. Morley was an coal mining town and similar to Ludlow. Many foundations as you walk thru the woods. Steps leading to old foundations. Trees growing where fancy company buildings once stood. St Aloysius Catholic Church is only a shadow of what it was at one time. The was truly a company town. It is still evident by looking at the foundations, the layout of the streets, and the placement of company buildings.

The town was founded as a railroad station in 1878 and was probably named after William Morley an engineer that helped lay out the tracks. CF&I ran the town and paid the employees in script that could be used at the company stores. These scripts were not always welcomed or honored by merchants in shops like those in Trinidad.  This allowed the CF&I to profit on the sale of goods to the miners. The post office opened and closed at least three times from 1882 to 1956. Over 500 miners and their families lived, worshiped, attended school and worked here.

If you are interested it is for sale….