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Roggen Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

Photos courtesy of Mike Sinnwell 2007

Read the viewers comments below to identify the pictures. Most people zip past this town as it is located right along side of Interstate 76. I go by it several times each year. I stop maybe once a year to stretch my legs. Not much changes. This time I stopped and took some pictures.

A viewer wrote in and suggested I had the wrong photos for Roggen. I double checked my files and photo names and thought nope.  On Fathers day I took a trip with my son just to prove how right I was. I had to eat crow all the way back. I fixed them 6/19/07  --  Boy was I wrong. THANKS to the observant viewer.

A viewer writes. - These are great thanks. Roggen is where I grew up, The picture of the Roggen Elevator was ran by my family for 50 years until 2003.  My Grandfather opened it in 1953.  I still have friends that live around prospect an roggen. - Brenda  This is really great - Thank you

A viewer writes - Nice Photos of Roggen, I grew up there and went to the Christian school by the old church till sixth grade when it was closed due to a lack of funds. I believe that Roggen had the last Stuckeys pecan shop (now Texaco) in Colorado. It also had the famous "Painter Ranch" on it and I think it was Painters who built the old church. -- Jake

A Viewer Writes - Don't miss the Prospect Valley Reunion September 13th and 14th 2008 We recently came across your website showing pictures of various town in CO. We (the reunion committee) for Prospect Valley School Reunion would like your permission to use the town pictures ( PV & Roggen) for our Newsletter.  If permission is granted, we will credit you and your website in the Newsletter.

Thank you for your time and cooperation.  George Davis - PVHS Reunion Committee Chairman

A viewer writes, September 2008 - For years I brought a group of customers to bird hunt over at the Masters Camp and we always stopped in Roggen to have lunch at the Texaco station.  Great burgers and fries. I have retired now-I live in Georgia- and haven't been back, but I still have good memories of our trips and the stop we always made at the Texaco.  A neat little town and a special place for those of us who visited. -- Best regards, Bill Anderson

A viewer writes September 2008 -  Just wanted to let you know that even though Roggen, Co. is on your list as a 'ghost town' those of us who reside here are still alive.  We have new families moving in and a few businesses still open, not quite dead yet. -- Roggen, Co.

A viewer writes August 2009 - A description of the pictures and the town. I grew up in Roggen (1957-1974).  In case you're interested in knowing what some of the buildings were, starting on the page, top row, 2nd photo:  The old Conoco station run by Don Cooper; top row, 3rd photo and 2nd row 4th photo:  Christ Community Church--it used to have beautiful amber windows & a pump organ (also an electric).  We also had to use an outhouse until the 1970's!; 2nd row first photo (l-r), the old post office (Mrs. Dana was postmaster when we moved to Roggen and my father, Dan Sanders, became a clerk.  My dad was the first postmaster of the current post office, then became mail carrier until he retired.  My mother, Dorthy, was a clerk there after dad became a carrier and eventually became postmaster until she retired).  Next to the old post office was the grocery store my parents ran--I think they closed it in 1962 or early 1963.  We lived in the back.  The next building was Millie's cafe, where at one time you could get an ice cream cone for $.05 a scoop.; 2nd row, 2nd picture:  The Chestnuts had a restaurant here at one time and for some reason I think they took in boarders or had a hotel, but I'm not positive; 2nd row, 3rd picture:  The old Roggen school.  It was a 3-room school when I attended, with 2 grades per room (1st-6th).  I had the same teacher, Mrs. Oster, for 1st-3rd grade, then the school closed in 1964.  The kids north of the railroad tracks (including the town) then went to Keenesburg and those of us south of the tracks went to Prospect.; 3rd row, bottom photo:  Roggen Elevator.

A viewer writes - September 2009 - Marvin H. Jones was the man instrumental in getting the elevator in Roggen as well as in Kersey started. This was before 1953.

A viewer writes Tuesday, December 08, 2009 - I live in Roggen, my family has been here for 30 plus years. I was looking at the pictures of buildings in Roggen and saw the one of the old school house and was overjoyed. My great uncle used to own that place and turned it into a home. I remember many family holidays there. Thank you  for recognizing our special little town. JENNIFER Armintrout

A viewer writes - Sunday, June 27, 2010 -  My sister (Beverly)and I (Sheila) both went to the Roggen School back in 1950.  Our parent's were Ted and Viola Eckhardt we lived on the Eckhardt farm. Our Uncle Ed Eckhardt lived just around the corner from us.  I used to love to go into the bar with my dad and play the punch board.  At that time Louie and Glady's Mall owned and ran it.  I also loved going to the grocery store and putting peanuts into my bottle of coke, and to read the comic book's.  I really enjoyed looking at the pictures.  Thanks

Rocky responds - You are not alone, my kids think I am crazy when I still put peanuts in my Pepsi....

A viewer writes -  Tuesday, August 24, 2010 - I have a sister-in-law that still lives there and a couple bro. that still farm  southeast of Roggen. I live in AZ now but still remember Roggen very well, does anyone remember when the Burtram's had the restaurant there? I am one of the Patton girls.

A viewer writes Thursday November 29th 2010 - Krause Or Seifirt Family Information  - Hello, I worked at Fermilab since 1971. It is a high energy physics lab that began in 1968 with the take over of several farms at that time. I am looking for any information on Charlie Krause or I think his daughter was named Anne who was married to a Seifirt. They had a Ranch back in the 1960's where they maintained a large herd of beef. I heard it was located close to Roggen Colorado. The name was F Quarter Circle Ranch.  Charles owned a large farm in Warrenville Illinois located on Eola Road in DuPage County Illinois. The story goes that Charles would ship his feeder cattle app. 400 to be fed out on these farms each year . His main help here on these farms was Charlie Brigham and Robert & Gertrude Geltz. I belong to a Site History committee at Fermilab and would appreciate any information you may provide. Maybe you could send this inquiry on to any older contacts in Roggen Co or their decedents.  We are a volunteer committee that has been trying to obtain the history of the people who used to live on site. Here is a link to our site history web pages which may be helpful. I grew up on a dairy farm near the Fermilab. I knew some of the farmers but since my dad quit farming in 1966 when I was 15 I didn't know many of the older people. Thanks Bob Lootens

A viewer writes -- Monday, December 27, 2010 --- Anyone remember a Lonnie V. Dyess in Roggen?

A viewer writes - Tuesday, February 15, 2011 -- I remember in the fifties, we had a lot of businesses in Roggen, There was the hotel where the Chestnuts lived, remember Tommy Judd, then a pool hall which later became Rita's Roggen Inn, then there was Paul Smiths auto repair garage, Milli......e's Cafe, where the guys gathered for pinnochle, Then there was Gnadt's grocery store, next door to the post office where Mrs Dana (a super lady) was postmaster. Across the street was Don Cooper's Conoco station. on west was Bertram's Hi 6 Cafe and next door was the Texaco station and across the street was Earl Figg's Standard station. Down the street was the little Community church. then on the west end of town was my folks Prarie Lodge Motel and Frontier service station. Ball park was right next door. Across the tracks was Erker's bulk plant. That is when U.S.Hiway 6 ran right through town before the Interstate. Ghost town now? Pretty much I guess, although people still live there. I found out, the people who had the grocery store, the Gnadts, their grandson has moved into their old home there in Roggen.   Gene Calvert

A viewer writes - Monday, June 27 2011 -- I am researching the adventures of my Grandfather as a cowpuncher. His name was Eugene T. Heitter.  He kept an autograph book during his travels and on 1 January 1911 he was in Roggen, Colorado.  The book was signed by Emily Painter.  In the 1910 census he was listed as a hired hand in Roggen, Weld County, Colorado.  I would appreciate any information about a ranch in that area during 1910 and 1911.  Patricia Mulvaney

A viewer writes - If you are interested, Just wanted to send a picture (attached) of the Prairie Lodge Motel that my Dad remodeled and built a Frontier service station in Roggen Colorado also in the early 50"s.I know it has been boarded up for some time now.  My dad fueling and checking the oil, and me washing the windshield. (WHAT IS THAT???) This is the way it was in the 50"s Thanks  -- Gene Calvert

Rocky says - Yes and everyone can see it in the slide show.

A viewer writes - Monday, September 26, 2011 -- I'm not sure how, but I stumbled in here and found the Roggen, Colorado page. I scrolled down and what should appear but photos sent in by Gene Calvert of his family's motel. On October 3, 1952 (according to my Dad's diary) we stayed there on the return trip to Minneapolis from a rare vacation. I was eight years old. Of course the way things worked in those days, you just kept driving until you saw a "Vacancy" sign. Dad would stop the Buick and then always go with the proprietor to look at the room. If it passed inspection, that was your spot for the night.

A viewer writes - Saturday, December 10, 2011 -- Wonderful memories of Roggen.  My dad grew up there.  We lived there when I was a baby.  We visited our relatives (Kersen's and Linnebur's) at least once a month until we moved to Texas.  I still get out there whenever I'm back in Colorado.  Great site!  Lynda Kersen

A viewer writes - Friday April 27th, 2012 -- Does anyone know anything about Motel Baron. What was it like is it still standing?  It should have been attached to a house and may be still.  Please let me know asap. Photo would be Awesome.

A viewer writes - Tuesday, May 15, 2012 -- I've been looking into the history of Roggen & was wondering what's the story behind the prairie lodge motel. I went & took pics of it a few weeks ago & it just sits with all the doors wide open, does anyone know why it was abandoned. That goes for all the businesses?  If anyone has any info please email me at

THANKS to Kathy Franklin for this link about the Roggen Elevator --  Great historical resource.

A viewer writes - Monday, February 25, 2013 - Stumbled across the Roggen pictures and brought back alot of fond memories. My mother and I moved there in 1948. She was the cook for Cuykendall Hereford ranch south of Roggen until early sixties I stayed on until the ranch sold in 1981. It or part of it is now a chicken type farm.

A viewer writes - Wednesday, July 17, 2013 -- My last name is Roggen and I would like to know if anyone can tell me how the town got it's name. I have heard it was named after a bull...that can lead to some interesting conversations if true.

Rocky Replies - Roggen was originally named Blair but was changed by Postal Authorities to Roggen because of the confusion with Blair Nebraska. Two theories on the name. One is that it was named after Edward Roggen who was a Nebraska Secretary of State  - the other is that it was named after a surveyor for the railroads.  You pick...

A viewer writes - Friday, August 09, 2013 - Grew up here and Keenseburg, I am part of the Hebert Family. I went to school at the Christian school there for first and second grade I do believe my teacher was Mrs. Ansley. My parents were married there at the church. My grandma ran a gas station on the west side of Stuckeys and the motel. I remember swimming there when the pool was up and running. It is my home town lots of memories there.

A viewer writes Sunday December 21, 2014 - My name is Billy Asher I lived in Roggen from 1972 to 1983, I lived on the other side of the interstate in a big white house that burned down in about 1979 .It sat in the middle of a ranch. I was wondering if anybody had any information on that house. I had great childhood memories there .My dad and mom names where Coy and Diana Asher. We moved to London Ky. In 1983. I am now 46 yrs old.

A viewer writes - Tuesday December 30, 2014 - Good morning Mike,  In answer to the inquiry dated 12'21/14 by Billy Asher I believe this is the house my parents bought in 1946 and lived their till 1962. I spent the summers working for the Painter Hereford Co, Christensen Farm and the King Farms till 1952 when I went in the service. A great formative and happy time was spent there. Yes, I knew the house burned down, believe it was a faulty chimney. I now lived in Denver since 1958 and do go through Roggen from time to time. Most everyone I knew is gone. Please pass this on to Billy.  From - Bob, Robert Ibbotson

A viewer writes :  Thursday, July 23, 2015 - I remember Roggen from the 70s when my dad and mom Birk and Jean Burke ran the I80(LATER I76) Motel and Cafe in between the Stuckeys and the discount u pump it. I remember Don from the Conoco he had a ranch-hand brother as well.  a FREQUENT CUSTOMER  was Eugene Standingbear and my memory went blank on the old disabled guy with a cane who smoked unfiltered cigs. The cafe was a good place to meet characters and I enjoyed my time there.