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Capitol City Colorado Townsite - Ghost town
Photos courtesy of Joan and Mike Sinnwell September 2007
Mostly gone except for a couple restored cabins. Some new buildings have been constructed in recent years. (I didn't take photos of those) Hard to believe that George Lee built a two story brick mansion here when you look around do not see anything left standing. This was one of those many towns in Colorado that was sure they would become the Capital of the state of Colorado. It was originally called Galena City until their hopes to become the Capital emerged. Silver brought prosperity to the area and when that faltered they turned to gold.
A viewer writes - I should have mentioned that I had a chance to spend unplanned time at Capital City during the first day of pack (horseback) trip that I was on. We and a few friends have been on pack trips for a number of years together. Two years ago we tried a new outfitter who planned a trip in the Cimarron Range of the San Juan Mountains. It turned out that on the first day we were led by a guide who wasn’t fully familiar with the trail. After losing the trail and finding it an hour or more later, we lost time to get to our destination camp before night fall. We were above tree line and she decided to take us down to a road which was safer to travel on at night but lengthened the trip by at least five miles. After being in the saddle for 12 hours or more, we revolted and forced the guide to stop at what turned out to be Capital City. We found one of the old cabins and dragged out the benches to sit on and started a fire. Conveniently there was a corral there for the horses. We took the horse blankets off used them for our own beds. We shared what meager food we had with us and made the best of it until our guide, who had gone ahead, returned with trucks from the camp to pick us at about 3 in the morning. I skipped some interesting side stories that make the episode more dramatic, but I am out of time. Attached are some the photos from our adventure. Thanks for your response.

A viewer writes -- Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - Terry & Elizabeth here, We have been camping in the Capital City area since our wedding 6yrs ago. Elizabeth has been camping here for almost 50yrs. In the lower 48, there's no place we would rather be!!! When we camp, we here for two weeks. We have taken some of the most breathtaking pics ever!!! But I promise you, there's no camera or video equipment made that can take the place of being there in person!!! O MY SOUL!!! To us, this one of God's greatest creations!!!!