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Silver Plume Colorado Townsite - Ghost town

These pictures were taken in January of 2005.

I read about the 7-30 Mine and the young man Griffith. After that I just had to see this town. Make sure you stop and get some of the homemade bread and soup.

The town is at a little over 9,000 feet and the air is starting to get thin so if you hike to the tombstone take your time. This is one of my favorites. In July of 2000 I hiked up to the Monument that the miners had built for their friend who played the violin. If you go take some water and take your time.

The best part of the town was the 2 young boys, about 8 or 10, with a homemade ramp (a board and a log) jumping their bicycles.

A viewer writes - My Great Grandfather was Calvin Ingrum of Silver Plume Co. It was rumored that He was once the sherrif. Does anyone have any info on Calvin Ingrum? When I was a little girl there was a soft copy book of Silver Plume, He was in the book, I can't find any info on this book or of him. Thanks in advance for any helpful info

A viewer writes - My great grandfather Frank Lorenzini and his wife Angelina came to live in Silver Plume in the late 1800s. My Grand Pa John Lorenzini also lived there. My dad Joseph John Lorenzini was born there. I came across your web site searching for more information on my family heritage. I here there is a book called the Italian Society of Silver Plume by Frank Fraucone and Kenny Wennsy. I would appreciate it if anyone knows how I might be able to get hold of a copy. My E-mail is

A viewer writes - Friday November 23rd, 2012 -- Hi! Great website! I'm intrigued by this grave in Silver Plume one of my favorite towns in Colorado. Can you tell me more about it?   Carly

Rocky Responds - Carly,

THANKS for visiting my site. I appreciate the visits.  Silver Plume is a unique town. It was founded in 1870 and was not incorporated for a decade. Silver Plume was a “miners” town. The wealthy mine owners and merchants lived down the road in Georgetown. The town’s residents were a mix of all nationalities and immigrants most of which had some prior mining experience. Around 1880 the population peaked at about 2,000 all of which supported the nine salons and two churches. They had big 4th of July celebrations, a great band, ski club, and numerous fraternal organizations.  

When the fire broke out in 1884 it almost wiped out the whole town. Then in 1893 the silver prices plunged and Silver Plume was dealt another blow. If it weren’t for the narrow gage railroad that runs from Georgetown to Silver Plume the town might now be deserted.  

The story behind the monument – In 1860 Clifford Griffin found a rich silver vein he called the Seven-Thirty. He was an Englishman and it was told that his fiancée had been found dead on the eve of their wedding. Apparently he came to the Rocky Mountains to forget the past. He was an exceptional violin player. He built his cabin up in the mountains near his mine. He soon became the wealthiest man around. He withdrew from society and spent most of his time near his cabin playing his violin. He would often take requests for specific songs from the miners as they walked past his cabin. These requests he would play on behalf of the miner for a sweetheart, wife or friend in town. The music would drift down the mountainside to those living below in Silver Plume. At the end of the evening he could hear the applause coming from the town.  

One evening he was playing exceptionally well and for a very long time. When the music stopped a gunshot was heard. As the miners got to Clifford’s cabin they discovered a grave DUG OUT OF SOLID ROCK. In the grave was Clifford’s body with one bullet wound to the heart. Inside his cabin was a note requesting he be left in the grave and buried there. The miners obliged him in his last request and they erected the monument to mark the spot.

Hope this helps