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Summit Springs Battlefield Colorado - Ghost town

Photos Courtesy of Mike Sinnwell - May 2008

Walking on and around the Battlefield, through the arroyos, and near the camp site was one of those adventures that does not come easy to put to words. I could almost hear the sounds arising from the Soldiers and the brave Native Americans. Approximately 250 Soldiers from the 5th United States Regiment of Calvary and 50 Pawnee Scouts attacked the Cheyenne campsite. There are numerous accounts of the total wounded and killed but according to the Cheyenne it was 15 warriors and 30 women and children. Buffalo Bill (William Cody) participated as a scout. Only one minor wound to the troopers was reported.

A 12 year old Cheyenne boy, Little Hawk, was one of the heroes of the battle. He saw the troopers and scouts charge over the hills to the north and instead of fleeing to the south he rode back to the camp and warned the village. Unfortunately he was killed by the Pawnee warriors. Later they did site his courage.

The Battle of Summit Springs on July 11, 1869 was an armed conflict between elements of the United States Army under the command of Colonel Eugene A. Carr and a group of Cheyenne Dog Soldiers led by Tall Bull (who died during the engagement.) The battle, a response to a series of Indian raids in north-central Kansas by Chief Tall Bull's band of the Cheyenne, was fought near Sterling Colorado.

A viewer writes - Thursday, March 17, 2011 -- Thanks for the photos - this is an historic site I have on my bucket list as my husband's family came from Kansas and many have been the tales of the pioneers and their tribulations.  Sorry to native Americans but this was no act of war to murder children wantonly cross fire is one thing murder another.  My heart is with Susanah Alderdice and what she suffered after the wanton murder of her children.  They all need to be in our memory minus reformed politically correct history on either side of the spectrum

A viewer writes - June 5, 2012 - we visited this site today.  Wind was horrific - we found the road chained off at the county road so had to walk in to see the area/monuments.  Much fenced off with "no trespassing" signs.  Too bad this history isn't available and more easily accessible.  Private property owner's shouldn't be able to keep people out of places like this.

A viewer writes - Sunday, November 04, 2012  -  in response to A viewer on- June 5, 2012 at Summit Springs - Much fenced off with "no trespassing" signs. Too bad this history isn't available and more easily accessible. Private property owner's shouldn't be able to keep people out of places like this. If people visiting would not shoot holes in windmill and water tank and not tear down fences or cut wires maybe the property owner's would be more receptive to visitors. Also had they thought about asking permission to enter private property?

Rocky Responds - I tend to agree with the comments. I made numerous phone calls etc to find the owners and they graciously allowed me access to the site. I can understand the owners concerns after viewing the vandalism in person.

A viewer writes -- Saturday, March 09, 2013 -- The date was 1869, not 59. Also 50 Pawnee scouts were the first to enter the village and they killed any Cheyenne they saw, which was the way of the Plain's Indian. These Dog Soldiers were some of the worst murderers on the plains. When I walked the site I could only wonder how many white people died at the hands of these murderers?

Rocky Says - THANKS for the correction - I will fix. I appreciate the input.